Playing and displaying dollhouses has been a popular hobby since the 1700s. It is a creative sport where kids grow in storytelling and social skills while adults can enjo†fiy the relational and creative aspects through design, forums, and clubs. Modern dollhouses offer hours of amazing fun and provide a hobby that grows as big as your imagination.
You may think that modern dollhouses are rooted in contemporary culture or they are only architecturally specific to the future. However, such designs can be traced back to the beginnings of the 20th century. Modernism is characterized by the absence of ornament from the theme and the simplification of form. Unnecessary details are eliminated as the priority is on function. Furthermore, you get to see materials for what they are. You can incorporate industrially-produced materials into the design as well. Generally, modern styles emphasize vertical and horizontal lines, particularly in international design.
Most people are familiar with modern architecture in the form of big metro buildings. Our experience when it comes to modern style dwellings, is mainly confined to television and movies. The modern style seldom makes its way into the mainstream of American subdivisions. Not to mention that modern style homes are way too expensive for the average home buyer. So, with modern dollhouses, you have the chance to experience what you may otherwise never be able to afford.
Collectors have discovered dollhouses (especially the modern ones) as a hobby. As a result, these structures are in high demand. And since higher demand means that manufacturers have to supply the needs of the market, you will easily find a wide range of kits available for purchase. You can even find blueprints, if you are looking for a greater challenge.
Although the possibilities are endless, shipping containers and modular pods are some of the hottest options for modern dollhouses. This innovative concept is great for hobbyists and collectors but is less appropriate for child’s play. You can stack pods in different combinations and purchase them accessorized or you can do it yourself. You can grow your dollhouse with pods as much as your budget allows. There are a variety of choices available when it comes to dollhouses, but you may like the architectural styles that come unpainted.
You can either create dollhouses by yourself or buy them pre-accessorized. There are many appealing features to choose from such as recessed LED lighting, solar panels, sliding glass doors, etc. Because of wide variety of products available for purchase, furnishing your dollhouse can be a great fun. Of course, you will need a decorating plan. If you are unclear about how to decorate a dollhouse, then it is recommended that you invest some time in pursuing design and decoration magazines, especially those that focus on the architectural design that you like.